Hang on to this email, and know it’s subject to updates. The most current revision is 15 Oct 23.
To be eligible for level 2 pay
- complete 470 inspections
- earn your wood-destroying insect license, Indiana State requirement
- complete sewer scoping training by InterNACHI
- complete mold indoor air quality status from InterNACHI
For all inspectors, the most current generic agreement is found here https://championpropinspect.com/current-inspector-agreement-as-of-aug-23/
Note: that means, the majority of agreements are similar, there may be alternative arrangements for people that bring different skills sets and/or activities to the business.
For example, by assisting in marketing and securing a major team in the area, you may get paid for each inspection they send or something to that effect. Another example is assisting with Commerical inspection expansion into other states by being the marketeer. Train another inspector and you may get compensated for that time.
There are so many variables out there it’s unending. The bottom line, create value that results in increased revenues consistently and get compensated.
For all inspectors, the most current education agreement is here(don’t sign this, it’s being adjusted 15 Oct 23) https://championpropinspect.com/current-home-inspector-education-agreement-as-of-26-aug-23/
InterNACHI courses, extra CEs, and education
Radon License
CCPIA certifications
Can’t miss items that would result in counseling or termination for disregard to company policies.
- Damaged roofs, especially roofs that are at the end of their lives
- Limits why you didn’t inspect something
- Flashing
- Inadequate flashing around windows and doors with water damage
- limits why you did not inspect something
- Flashing issues
- Decks, appropriate lag bolts, joist hangers, and fasteners for joist hangers(proper support systems)
- cracks without explanations with photos, either it’s a home maintenance issue or repair replacement issues, at a minimum we can say the cracks were not big at the time of inspection.
- Buckling/water-damaged hardwood floors
- visible mold growths
- cracks/movement without explanations in the foundation, main beams, and floor joist
- termite damage and termite activity
- Significant pest, bats, raccoon squirrel, and mice activity
- Limits of attics, basements, and crawl spaces for accessibility.
- Need to provide examples and dollar values
- Document stains, key locations for CYA, and water fixtures in crawl spaces, sinks, etc.
- Aluminum wiring
- Grounding for wiring, both branch and panels
- Panel types, Fed Pacific, fuse panel, and problem panels
- Make sure you take a photo/video of the units operating and ensure the limit is in place when they can’t be operated.
Ventilation issues
- Ensure two forms
Built-in appliances
- Are the working, include a thumbs up and/or video
- Limits if unable to inspect