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Stephen Rager

Kolbe 5-7-5-3 

Clifton Strengths, Maximizer, Belief, Futuristic, Focus, Achiever

I possess the unique ability to transform vision into tangible achievements. Guided by my core values of faith, family, and the power of human connection, I make strategic decisions that maximize the well-being of others. I strongly advocate for individual growth, fostering a learning environment where individuals can thrive on teams unified by their diverse unique abilities. My leadership style emphasizes grit, authenticity, and a commitment to continuous improvement toward an aligned vision. 

Grit ~ Amor Fati Arise each day to overcome obstacles to personal and professional growth, leveraging both brute force and unique team capabilities.

Belief With God’s sovereignty as a constant, and personal values as a guide, the stewardship of talents and time becomes a duty. The parables of the talents and the sower of seeds offer eternal wisdom for temporal actions.

Maximizer ”The Obstacle Is the Way” ~ The pursuit of excellence involves identifying and empowering the best in my teams and self to achieve greater levels in life.

Cultivating A commitment to guiding those willing to share their dreams, talents, and goals, improving their life’s trajectory.

Future Focused ~ “Sympatheia” A framework vision is established, outlining a path to enhance lives, with levels and steps to improve those involved.

Altruistic Servant Leadership ~ “Summum Bonum” Personal growth fuels a vision of betterment for family, community, country, and others, driven by altruistic principles and servant leadership.

Orchestrator ~ By implementing frameworks and methodologies, I uplift others and cultivate pathways for advancement through those systems and processes.

Genuine Blunt honesty and directness are combined with efficiency and respect for others’ time and skills to enhance lives.

Strategic ~ Premeditatio Malorum Committed to organizing, planning, and prioritizing events and projects, and positively impacting the lives of others.

Diplomatic ~ Arete To navigate diverse teams and achieve shared goals, attentive listening is used to understand varying perspectives and negotiate differences effectively.

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